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Taking on an Insurance Company

I love my job. I really do. I just hate the fact that I have to do it.

People don’t come to Sabbeth Law because they’re having a good day. They’ve been injured and they’re dealing with high levels of stress – from pain, medical bills, missed work and lost wages. The insurance companies know this, and they exploit it.

I can’t count the times an injured person has come in to my office with a denial of a workers’ compensation claim based on blatant falsehoods – or the amount of times a personal injury client has been told they are only entitled to reimbursement for their medical bills at best. These are big, wealthy corporations who want to get wealthier at the expense of the injured – people who simply want what’s fair.

It’s really motivating for me taking on an insurance company that’s treating a human being like a claim number. To do it successfully, you have to be willing to fight, you have to know your adversary and you have to have more resolve than they do.  And at the end of the day, when I’ve done all that I can to level the playing field and get just compensation for my clients…it feels really good.