Each year, thousands of people in Vermont are injured in car accidents. These accidents cause painful injuries and property damage, leaving accident victims with bills they simply can’t afford. This is where Sabbeth Law steps in. We are skilled Bennington car accident lawyers with decades of experience. We know how to negotiate a favorable settlement with the at-fault driver, and we are eager to meet with you.

Get the Benefit of a Bennington Car Accident Lawyer

The days following a car accident are a blur. Many people need immediate transportation to the hospital in the back of an ambulance. Others can move around gingerly, only to experience worsening pain in the coming days.

It’s normal for any car accident to cause some physical injuries. Low-speed fender benders can leave you with whiplash, nerve damage, sprains, or strains. More serious injuries result in fractures, head injuries, concussions, back injuries, and more.

A lawyer can step in and:

  • Analyze the fault for the crash. Only someone at fault is obligated to pay compensation. We can review all evidence, including eyewitness testimony, to determine who is legally responsible for your accident.
  • Reconstruct the accident. Being able to “see” the accident is a big help in identifying the fault. We might visit the accident scene, inspect the vehicles involved, and examine photographs.
  • Document your injuries. You can receive compensation only if you document your injuries. We can help gather medical records, property damage estimates, and other proof.
  • Communicate with insurers. We can fill out forms and ensure your claim stays on track.
  • Negotiate a settlement. If another motorist is to blame, we can demand compensation from their insurance provider. Negotiation is sometimes quite tricky.

You Deserve Fair Compensation

Car accidents are expensive. Many people think car accidents only require a few thousand in car repairs. But many people suffer serious injuries requiring medical treatment, rehabilitation, prescription drugs, crutches, or a wheelchair.

We are prepared to seek compensation for all damages our clients have suffered, such as:

  • Medical bills
  • Future medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Car damage
  • Other property damage
  • Pain and suffering

Many people don’t know how much their claim is worth, which is why meeting with a Bennington car accident lawyer is so critical. We excel at valuing claims. We also know how to maximize compensation for pain and suffering and similar intangible losses.

Steps to Take Following a Car Accident

The choices an accident victim makes following a crash are important. They even impact the number of compensation victims receives. Some steps you should take:

1.       Contact an ambulance if you need immediate transportation to the hospital.

2.       Call the police at the crash scene. They should write a report on the accident.

3.       Take photographs of the vehicles involved.

4.       Talk to witnesses and get their names and contact information.

5.       Swap insurance and personal information with the other drivers.

6.       Refuse to give a recorded statement to insurers.

7.       Go directly to the hospital for treatment.

Taking these steps protects your rights. For example, if you give a recorded statement, you might slip up and say something you didn’t mean. An insurer can use this misstatement against you later in negotiations. There is no reason to talk to an insurer without a lawyer sitting beside you.

And there is another key step: call our Bennington car accident lawyer as soon as possible. We can immediately begin on your case. Without a lawyer’s assistance, you might struggle to have your voice heard. Even worse, the other driver’s insurer could blame you for the accident.

We Handle All Types of Car Accidents

Our legal team is prepared to help anyone injured in a motor vehicle crash. No accident is too big or too small for our seasoned lawyers. We can analyze who is at fault and whether you can request compensation.

Our lawyers are ready to negotiate a settlement or, if that proves impossible, file a lawsuit in court. Few cases ever see a courtroom, but you might if we cannot agree on fault or the value of your claim.

Contact us today. In a free consultation, we can listen to you describe the accident and your struggles since then. Using our experience, we will identify what additional evidence we need.

Experienced Bennington Car Accident Lawyers

Sabbeth Law has built its reputation by providing quality representation to accident victims. Our results are impressive. We have settled many car accident cases for six or seven figures, and we will happily meet for a free consultation if you contact us today.